McArthur comments on lack of timeframe for return of island jury trials

Orkney’s MSP Liam McArthur has expressed disappointment that there is still no timeframe for a return of jury trials to island courts.
His comments follow a response from Justice Secretary, Angela Constance on efforts to address the staffing issues affecting prisoner transport that have led to jury trails being moved to courts on the Scottish mainland.
Having initially written to Ms Constance back in the summer highlighting the impact this move would have on local access to justice, Mr McArthur sought an update from the Justice Secretary. Ms Constance has now responded confirming that work is ongoing with key partners, including Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and the contractor, GeoAmey but offering no timescale for when jury business might return to the islands.
Commenting, Mr McArthur said:
“I appreciate that work has been ongoing to resolve the problems caused by GEOAmey’s failures, but the fact that there is still no indication as to when jury trials might return to island and other rural courts is deeply disappointing. The Justice Secretary has acknowledged the loss of local access to justice, and the impact on victims, defendants, legal representatives and others involved in the process. All deserve greater clarity about when we will finally see these issues resolved”.