McArthur comments on Labour plans for health "superboards"

Commenting after Scottish Labour set out plans to reduce the number of health boards in Scotland from 14 to 3, Orkney's MSP Liam McArthur said:
“Labour's plan to centralise health boards shows a complete lack of understanding of what island communities like Orkney actually need.
“Similar plans were floated by the SNP a few years ago and eventually dropped in the face of fierce opposition. Whether brought forward by the SNP or Labour, centralising control and decision making in this way risks the specific needs of our island communities being overlooked.
“Of course, Orkney patients already rely heavily on services provided by other health boards. That will continue and there is certainly scope for closer working and greater efficiencies to be achieved.
“That can be done without the cost and disruption involved in island health boards being swallowed up within larger mainland boards. Having just fought off the SNP’s plans to centralise social care, islanders will not take kindly to having to fend off these latest centralisation plans from Labour.”