McArthur comments on budget vote

Following the vote this afternoon where MSPs backed the Scottish Government’s budget, Orkney’s MSP Liam McArthur said:
"When the Scottish Government first presented their budget, the Scottish Liberal Democrats made clear it needed meaningful measures to improve lives across Scotland - particularly in health, social care, housing and transport. After constructive engagement, we've seen positive movement in addressing some of the damage from 17 years of mismanagement.
"The increased NHS funding is welcome and should help tackle growing demands in mental health and dental access - issues that have distinct challenges in rural and island communities like Orkney. The restoration of £46m previously taken from the farming budget provides vital certainty for Orkney's farmers.
"Crucially for my constituents, the additional transport funding allocated to Orkney Islands Council offers a real opportunity to progress the long-overdue replacement of our local ferry fleet. This investment in our lifeline services demonstrates what can be achieved through constructive dialogue.
"While this budget isn't perfect, the government has shown willingness to listen and respond to Liberal Democrat priorities. That's why my colleagues and I are supporting it today. However, we'll continue pressing ministers to deliver on their commitments and seeking further improvements where needed.
“The real test will be in the implementation. I'll be watching closely to ensure these promised investments translate into tangible benefits for communities across Orkney and Scotland.”