McArthur again highlights problems in accessing childcare provision in Orkney
Orkney’s MSP Liam McArthur has urged the government once again to do more to help island councils address challenges in recruiting and retaining staff providing earlier learning and childcare in Orkney.
At Education Questions in parliament this afternoon, Mr McArthur asked Natalie Don-Innes, Minister for Children and Young People, what steps the government is taking to ensure adequate childcare provision in island communities, highlighting that there had been little noticeable improvement since he raised this issue with the minister last summer.
Mr McArthur shared the experience of a constituent unable to access childcare for their child due to a lack of staffing capacity, despite spaces being available in the local nursery. He said this ran contrary to the government’s commitments in relation to early learning and childcare.
In response, the minister acknowledged the specific challenges faced by island communities with regard to childcare provision, and highlighted an upcoming report from the Highlands and Islands Enterprise which will seek to provide recommendations for improvements in this area, as well as Scottish Childminding Association’s newly introduced Programme for Scotland’s Childminding Future.
Speaking after the exchange, Mr McArthur said:
“When I raised this issue with the minister last summer, she recognised the distinct challenges facing rural and island communities in relation to childcare provision. She also committed to look at what more government could do to help the local council in providing the childcare support that parents in Orkney need.
“From constituents who have been in touch with me over recent months, however, it’s clear that the situation locally remains extremely difficult. It’s also clear that recruitment and retention of staff is posing the biggest difficulty in delivery the breadth and flexibility of service parents require.
“Whilst I welcome the work being done with HIE and through the SCMA’s programme, I am concerned that for too many parents the current lack of provision is impacting upon their ability to work, often in key sectors for our local economy and community.
“Given the specific challenges faced by island communities, we need to see more tailored support to help OIC and other island authorities. I welcome the Minister’s offer to meet and look forward to discussing in more detail what more might be done to improve the situation locally, as well as engaging with OIC to further discuss how and where progress can be made.”